What is Physical therapy

What is Physical therapy

Physical therapy and rehabilitation are healthcare disciplines that help restore and improve a patient's physical function, mobility, and quality of life.

Physical therapy, also known as physiotherapy, is a healthcare profession that assesses, diagnoses, treats, and prevents physical impairments, disabilities, and pain. Physical therapists use various techniques, such as exercises, manual therapy, electrical stimulation, and other modalities, to help patients regain their strength, mobility, and function. They work with patients of all ages and conditions, including musculoskeletal, neurological, cardiovascular, and respiratory disorders.

Rehabilitation, on the other hand, is a broader term that refers to the process of restoring a person's physical, mental, and emotional functioning after an injury, illness, or surgery. Rehabilitation involves various healthcare professionals who work together to help patients regain their independence, improve their quality of life, and return to their normal activities as much as possible. Rehabilitation can be provided in various settings, such as hospitals, outpatient clinics, rehabilitation centers, and in patients' homes.

In summary, physical therapy focuses on improving physical function and mobility, while rehabilitation aims to restore overall physical, mental, and emotional function.


Manual therapy is a type of hands-on treatment that physical therapists use to diagnose and treat musculoskeletal conditions.

During manual therapy, a trained physical therapist uses various techniques to manipulate the soft tissues and joints of the body, including muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. This can involve mobilization, manipulation, massage, stretching, and other forms of soft tissue and joint mobilization.

Manual therapy can help reduce pain, improve joint range of motion, increase muscle flexibility, and restore normal movement patterns. It is often used in conjunction with other physical therapy interventions, such as exercise and modalities like heat or cold therapy.

Manual therapy is an effective treatment option for a wide range of musculoskeletal conditions, including back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, and other joint and muscle problems. Your physical therapist will determine if manual therapy is appropriate for your specific condition and develop a personalized treatment plan to help you achieve your goals.




Osteopathy is a form of manual medicine that focuses on the musculoskeletal system and its relationship to overall health and well-being. It is based on the belief that the body has the innate ability to heal itself, and that the role of the osteopath is to facilitate this process by removing any obstacles to health and restoring the body's natural balance.

Osteopaths use a variety of manual techniques, such as joint mobilization, manipulation, massage, and stretching, to treat a wide range of conditions. These may include musculoskeletal pain, headaches, digestive disorders, respiratory problems, and more. Osteopaths take into account the patient's lifestyle, environment, and emotional well-being when developing a personalized treatment plan.

Osteopathy is a holistic approach to healthcare that views the body as a whole and seeks to address the underlying causes of illness, rather than just treating the symptoms. As a complementary medicine, osteopathy can be used alongside conventional medical treatments to improve overall health and well-being.

Osteopaths are trained healthcare professionals who undergo extensive education and training to become licensed practitioners. They are dedicated to helping patients achieve optimal health and well-being by restoring balance to the body's natural systems. If you're interested in learning more about osteopathy and how it can benefit you, contact a licensed osteopath to schedule a consultation.




Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that focuses on core strength, flexibility, and body control. Originally developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century, it has become a popular fitness method worldwide.

Pilates exercises are typically done on a mat or with specialized equipment such as a reformer or Cadillac. They consist of controlled movements that emphasize proper breathing, alignment, and smooth, flowing motions.

Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, and can help improve posture, reduce stress, lower the risk of injury, and promote overall physical and mental well-being.

Classes are available in group settings or one-on-one sessions with certified Pilates instructors. It is often used in combination with physical therapy or rehabilitation programs to aid in injury recovery or chronic condition management.

If you're interested in trying Pilates or learning more about its benefits, contact our clinic




Reformer Pilates is a type of Pilates that uses a specialized piece of equipment called a Pilates reformer. The reformer is a sliding platform with attached springs and ropes that allow for resistance-based exercise.

Reformer Pilates exercises are designed to target specific muscle groups in the body, using the reformer to provide resistance and assistance. The exercises focus on improving strength, flexibility, balance, and posture.

The benefits of Reformer Pilates include increased core strength, improved posture, reduced risk of injury, and better body awareness. It is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels, and can be used as a standalone exercise or as part of a rehabilitation or physical therapy program.

Classes are offered in a group setting or one-on-one sessions with a certified Pilates instructor. The classes are typically 45-60 minutes long and consist of a series of exercises that can be modified to suit individual needs and abilities.

If you're interested in trying Reformer Pilates or learning more about its benefits, contact with our clinic



Schroth therapy is a specialized physical therapy approach used to treat scoliosis, a condition characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine. The therapy uses specific exercises and breathing techniques to correct the abnormal curvature of the spine and improve posture.

Developed by Katharina Schroth, a German physical therapist in the 1920s, Schroth therapy is tailored to each patient's specific curvature and focuses on strengthening weakened muscles and elongating shortened muscles.

Schroth therapy can be used alone or in conjunction with other scoliosis treatments such as bracing or surgery. The therapy has been shown to be effective in reducing the progression of scoliosis, improving spinal mobility and posture, and reducing pain and discomfort.

Schroth therapy is typically performed in one-on-one sessions by a certified Schroth therapist, although group classes may also be available. The therapy is appropriate for individuals of all ages, although it is most commonly used in children and adolescents during their growth years.

If you or someone you know has scoliosis and is interested in Schroth therapy contact our clinic





Fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon Nedir?

13.03.2023 12:34:16

Fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon, bir hastanın fiziksel fonksiyonunu, hareketliliğini ve yaşam kalitesini geri kazandırmaya ve artırmaya yardımcı olan sağlık disiplinleridir.


Osteopati Nedir?

13.03.2023 12:33:50

Osteopati, kas-iskelet sistemi ve genel sağlık ve refah arasındaki ilişkiye odaklanan, manüel tıpın bir türüdür.


Manuel Terapi Nedir

13.03.2023 12:33:42

Manuel terapi, fizyoterapistlerin kas-iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarını teşhis etmek ve tedavi etmek için kullandığı elle yapılan bir tedavi yöntemidir.


Pilates Nedir?

13.03.2023 12:29:36

Pilates, temel kas gücünü, esnekliği ve beden kontrolünü odak alan, düşük etkili bir egzersiz yöntemidir.


Reformer Pilates Nedir?

13.03.2023 12:29:14

Reformer Pilates, direnç temelli egzersiz yapmaya izin veren bir ekipman olan Pilates reformer kullanarak yapılan bir Pilates türüdür.


Schroth Terapisi Nedir?

13.03.2023 12:28:57

Schroth terapisi, omurganın yan eğrilikleri ile karakterize edilen skolyozu tedavi etmek için kullanılan özel bir fizik tedavi yaklaşımıdır.


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